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Queen Elizabeth II: Reigning through multiple generations and enriching history

A life of privilege, challenge, and great impact

By Eva Natalia | September 15, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II held the most prominent positions for more than seventy years, during which time the world changed more rapidly than ever before, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. It surely was not easy for Her to decide when to go with the flow and when to adhere to the sometimes contradictory rules of the Kingdom.

As the longest-reigning monarch, we admire the changes and advancements she made. She made the big leap by permitting television to live-stream her coronation. This demonstrated her adaptability to global changes. Her first email and tweet, as well as the radio broadcast of her Christmas message, followed soon after.

A multi-ethnic and multi-democracy was also established during her reign. Rishi Sunak, whose parents were Indian immigrants from East Africa, had an equal opportunity to become Prime Minister. Queen Elizabeth II not only improves multi-ethnic and multi-democracy but also women's rights after 25 years in which only women had fully equal voting rights. Mary Elizabeth Truss is now the third woman to serve as prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Our Queen's soul has finally found rest after laboring for over seven centuries and ninety years to impart virtue in each successive generation. On its journey to its final resting place among the cavalry and descendants, the orchestra accompanies the coffin.

Talian, a member of Vetasi UK, is profoundly saddened by the passing of the world's most phenomenal inspiration.

Her valour and intelligence will persist in our hearts and minds as we progress.


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