Talian - Industrial Solution Provider – Maximo Indonesia Talian is now a part of Cohesive.

Talian, part of Cohesive obtains ISO 27001 certification, building confidence in security of digital data!

What is 27001, and why is this significant for you?

By Eva Natalia | February 06, 2023

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It outlines a set of security measures and protocols that organizations must follow in order to protect their sensitive data. ISO 27001-compliant organizations can demonstrate that they have taken the necessary steps to protect the privacy and integrity of their customers' data. Companies that comply with ISO 27001 demonstrate their commitment to data security and can boost customer trust in their services.

ISO 27001 specifies a set of best practices, procedures, and controls that organizations must follow when it involves data and IT security. The standard covers a range of risk management, access control, asset management, physical security, encryption, and user authentication. It also includes guidelines for incident response plans and assessing the ISMS for vulnerabilities or weaknesses on a regular basis. To control their data and systems from potential threats, organizations can apply a comprehensive set of standards granted by ISO 27001.

A comprehensive assessment of an organization's quality management system by a third-party auditor ensures that the organization complies with ISO standards. Achievement of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certification for Talian is a continuous process that requires organizations to constantly review and improve their operations in order to retain the certification.

Adding value to our customers' bottom line through implementing an ISO 27001 Framework.

Talian implements the best-in-class software and to ensure our clients receive the highest level of protection, we regularly implement ISO 27001:2013. ISO 27001:2013 provides Talian customers with a level of confidence in providing IT Solution Services in this Agile and Digital Age. Talian is concerned with securing and confidential its clients data and gives the best peace of mind that their data is secure so their business operations can run smoothly.

In terms of IBM Maximo implementation and Mendix development, we ensure that our solutions are built to meet the highest standards of security and reliability. We employ rigorous testing measures with world-class solutions that are secure, reliable, and tailored to their individual needs before the system is deployed in clients' environments.

Our IT security team regularly as evaluates the security risks of our operations on a regular basis and implements appropriate controls to protect customer data. We establish regular vulnerability scans and quickly and efficiently solve any vulnerabilities found in order to further ensure the integrity of our IT systems. Additionally, access to private customer data is strictly regulated and constantly monitored. We keep current documentation on our IT security practices in order to stay in compliance with all applicable regulations. Furthermore, our IT Security team conducts periodic assessments to identify and mitigate any potential risks. We also leverage an array of sophisticated technologies, such as firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software, to keep data protected. Finally, our IT Security team leads regular training to stay current on new threats and technologies, as well as changes in IT regulations. As such, we strive to remain up to date on the latest IT security trends and ensure that Our customers' data remains protected at all times. We at Talian believe that Trust is earned through hard work and commitment to excellence.

Talian has qualified for the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification focusing on information security management! Choose Talian as your secure, agile partner to optimize all your physical assets!


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